February 15, 2021 marks 3 years since the creation of the first drug of the Vizega companies. During this time, we have accumulated rich experience in the production of medicines. Vizega started with 10 hormonal products and now our capacity has grown to over 50 products. For further work, it is necessary to carefully calculate which products, in what volumes, dosage forms and for which markets will be produced. Will a new production site be built, the existing one upgraded, or maybe new lines will appear on existing sites? An insufficiently detailed plan and errors in calculations can be costly and lead to critical engineering or technological inconsistencies, and later to difficulties in passing license control.
Eliminate potential problems at an early stage. The further the project has progressed, the higher the cost of a mistake. Of course, it is impossible to foresee all changes in regulation for years to come, but when planning, you can choose flexible solutions for areas with high uncertainty.